Saturday, December 4, 2010


I realized I have been sketching less and less for the pass week ever since finals are drawing closer. Can't blame it on anything but my own incompetent. My sketch book is glaring at me right now, sitting on a heap of scattered art books. Gonna tend to you soon, dear.

Just finished Assassin's Creed Brotherhood for the second time, and find myself using my brain in the wrong direction (am I?) Have been thinking about the words of the Goddess and unknown voice at the end, trying to figure out the reasons and meaning behind them. At the same time many possible plots of how the next franchise will be stuffed my mind to the brim. (trying not to bring any spoiler here) It's really fun to speculate your opinions, and compare them with other players out there, hearing their thoughts. There's just some many hidden puzzles in the game to figure out, both from the side quests and the storyline, I can't seem to put my brain to rest! Gonna play it again to figure out the hidden messages behind the characters dialogue and actions.

At the same time I'm having trouble on further my studies. Should I pick a university that affiliates with my college, with confirmed scholarship and two years of studies, but might not have my first choice of subject? Or other university/college that offers my choice of subject, but might not get scholarship and might even study more than two years? People say money is evil, but right now how I wish my family can have more of it. Than it would have saved all the hassle.


  1. ooh, hai! which universities are you thinking about? :)

  2. of course pick the uni/course you want. you got money 1... hehe :)

